A Long Wait


Farm Journal – week of

March 6 2016 – March 12 2016


31116_fj_greenhouse2After David waited 90 days to get a biopsy on a mass that was discovered on Dec 10 2015, a CT guided biopsy was finally preformed on Wednesday. Before I left the procedure room I specifically ask how long it would take. The Doctor said twenty minutes in and five minutes to get a good sample. Based on this information I estimated a wait of forty-five minutes. From the time I left the procedure room until David was wheeled backed to his room, three hours had elapsed. One and a half hours into my wait I checked to make sure that David was still in the procedure room.  Two hours into my wait I started to think that a major problem had developed and a half hour later I thought they had killed him. The procedure proved to be far more difficult than anticipated. When they were preparing David to take back to his room he asked how long he had been there. When they informed him he replied “My wife probable thinks that you have killed me”. How well he knows me.

On Thursday, taking it easy, David started planting his onions into the greenhouse growing beds. On Friday he finished planting them and then began tilling plots for our spring crops. You can’t keep the old boy down.


My tomato plants are starting to take over the shelves in the greenhouse. 



Coming Spring 2016.